Production Management


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Project Setup


UE Style Guide

Project Version

The version of UE can be identified by accessing available log files or by opening the .uproject file in a text editor.


Project Settings


Project Settings > Editor > Rendering > Default Settings > Auto Exposure

By default, this is enabled.

Disabling and setting this to Manual allows for a consistent exposure level applied throughout environment.

Note that Post-Process Volumes in the scene may override this exposure setting, if enabled.


Volume Settings

By default, the volume for the Editor is muted, but can be unmuted via Settings (Top Right Corner) > Volume.

This does not impact the volume of sounds in Game mode.

Sound Assets

By default, looping of the sound is disabled, but can be enabled via Details > Sound > Looping for the corresponding sound asset.


Attenuation of a sound actor can be overridden with Details > Attenuation > Override Attenuation.

This enables the Attenuation (Volume) section within Details, where the Function, Shape, Extents, Falloff, and other attenuation parameters can be specified.

Viewport Settings

Quality Settings

Scalability Settings: Setting > Engine Scalability Settings > Quality

Hide Sprites In Viewport

Show > Sprites > Choose from options

Invert Mouse Controls

The following are personal preferences, but documented to identify the process by making these modifications within the UE4 editor.

  • Edit > Editor Preferences > Level Editor > Viewports > Invert Middle Mouse Pan
  • Decrease Mouse Scroll Camera Speed default from 5 to 2.




This provides ambient lighting, typically sourced through a Cubemap.

On the other hand, an accompanying Light Source serving as a sun works in the form of a directional light.

Rect Light

Often used to depict light entering through a wall opening, such as an open door or window.



Entirely baked

Low performance cost


Shadows are baked similar to Static

Allows for toggling dynamic lighting in game similar to Movable



Lighting & Exposure

Disabling View Mode > Game Settings will disable the specified exposure under game settings and will instead rely on the EV settings also listed under View Mode.

Note that this edit will only impact the scene view within the Editor, not the final packaged game, cinematic, output.


Workspace Setup

To work with multiple shots in a sequence, set up to have 2 separate viewers, one of which is controlled by the cinematic. This will allow for viewing the final shot sequence through the camera/s perspectives while still having access to the scene for editing.


Sequencer Cheat Sheet

Sequencer Guide

Level Management

Project Load Level

To expedite workflow and project loading, initialize the project with a blank or lightweight placeholder level to be the startup level. Once the UE project is fully loaded, then access other levels as necessary.

Actor-Level Assignments

Select actor/s and right-click intended level to select Move Selected Actors To Level.


Asset Management

Adding UE Content

Content Browser > Add > Add Feature or Content Pack

This provides a way to quickly integrate UE content, such as templates or available content packs from the UE marketplace into the current project.

Migrate Assets Between Projects

  • Right-click > Asset Actions > Migrate
  • Maintain parent folder hierarchy between projects.

Asset References & Dependencies

Access asset references and dependencies via Reference Viewer.


Asset Replacement

Replace actors in world by selecting one or more and right-clicking in Viewport to access Replace Selected Actors With.


Export Content From UE4 To FBX

Select asset from Content Browser > Right-click > Asset Actions > Export


Simple collisions

Lighting Management

Lighting Intensity Units

Location: Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > Default Settings > Light Units


  • Unitless
  • Candela
  • Lumens

Auto Exposure





  • Imported
  • Displayed
  • Max-In-Game

Max Texture Size: Match the larger res value of imported HDRI

Mip Gen Settings: NoMipmaps



Importing a mesh without a lightmap will have UE4 set the UV0 as the lightmap.

Adding a lightmap to a mesh in its own UV set, separate from the base UV, should prompt the Lightmap Coordinate Index to be set to 1 so that UE4 uses the second UV set specifically for the lightmap.


Exponential Height Fog allows for enabling Volumetric Fog in scene.

Post Processing Management

Color Grading LUT

Key parameters

  • Mip Gen Settings: Set to NoMipmaps
  • Texture Group: Set to ColorLookupTable


Audio Management

Needs to be a sound wave (.wav) file, not an .mp3.

Looping option is accessible in .wav file asset Details.