Procedural Modelling


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Geometry Node Editor

Custom Preferences


Enable Snap (SHIFT + TAB) To Grid.

User Interface

Add/Remove Node From Data Stream

Quickly add and remove node from a data stream in Geometry Node Editor. To add node, RMB drag over wire. To remove node from data stream, ALT + RMB drag node away from wire.

Node Wiring

Quickly connect nodes with wires (F) and switch wire connections between selected nodes (SHIFT + F). Add Reroute nodes (SHIFT + RMB drag) for organization.

Other quick variations of connecting nodes include a direct connection with ALT + RMB dragging from one one to another.

For greater control of outputs to inputs, SHIFT + ALT + RMB dragging from one node to another allows for specifying the output from the first node and the input of the second node.

Collapse Nodes

Alternate forms of node collapsing with full collapse (H) and partial collapse (CTRL + H), which collapses the node's sockets.

Frame Nodes

Frame selected nodes (CTRL + J) and remove node from frame (ALT + P).

Node Display In Spreadsheet

Display a specific node's geometry information in the Spreadsheet by enabling the computer monitor icon at the top right corner of a node.

Mute Nodes & Wires

Toggle mute nodes (M) and wires (ALT + CTRL + RMB drag over wire).


Vertex Color To Instances

Instanced object needs to have an active material index, though not an actual material applied. This will allow it to take on the vertex color attribute passed to the point instances.

For the shader applied to the object with the instances, the material needs to be applied at the Object level. The shader should transfer either the default vertex color attribute, Col, or any new user-defined custom attribute with the Attribute node to the Base Color of the shader.