nltk (Natural Language Toolkit)

Table of Contents


Supporting Libraries / Dependencies

To work with the following data sources in Pandas, verify that the Python environment has the supporting libraries installed either via pip or through the Anaconda distribution.

Required Libraries:

  • regex
  • tqdm


NLTK Downloader Shell


Inputting the following into the Jupyter notebook accesses the NLTK Downloader Shell.


The input is defined by the keyboard shortcuts noted in its menu. Use l for List to access the available Packages & Collections noted below. To download a specific package, first enter d for Download and then the name of the intended package, such as stopwords in this case. Once it has downloaded and installed to the noted directory, it will show up in the list with an * noting that it has already been installed.

NLTK Downloader
    d) Download   l) List    u) Update   c) Config   h) Help   q) Quit

Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)?

    d) Download   l) List    u) Update   c) Config   h) Help   q) Quit

Downloading package stopwords to
      Package stopwords is already up-to-date!

Packages & Collections

NLTK Downloader
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  [ ] abc................. Australian Broadcasting Commission 2006
  [ ] alpino.............. Alpino Dutch Treebank
  [ ] averaged_perceptron_tagger Averaged Perceptron Tagger
  [ ] averaged_perceptron_tagger_ru Averaged Perceptron Tagger (Russian)
  [ ] basque_grammars..... Grammars for Basque
  [ ] biocreative_ppi..... BioCreAtIvE (Critical Assessment of Information
                           Extraction Systems in Biology)
  [ ] bllip_wsj_no_aux.... BLLIP Parser: WSJ Model
  [ ] book_grammars....... Grammars from NLTK Book
  [ ] brown............... Brown Corpus
  [ ] brown_tei........... Brown Corpus (TEI XML Version)
  [ ] cess_cat............ CESS-CAT Treebank
  [ ] cess_esp............ CESS-ESP Treebank
  [ ] chat80.............. Chat-80 Data Files
  [ ] city_database....... City Database
  [ ] cmudict............. The Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary (0.6)
  [ ] comparative_sentences Comparative Sentence Dataset
  [ ] comtrans............ ComTrans Corpus Sample
  [ ] conll2000........... CONLL 2000 Chunking Corpus
  [ ] conll2002........... CONLL 2002 Named Entity Recognition Corpus
  [ ] conll2007........... Dependency Treebanks from CoNLL 2007 (Catalan
                           and Basque Subset)
  [ ] crubadan............ Crubadan Corpus
  [ ] dependency_treebank. Dependency Parsed Treebank
  [ ] dolch............... Dolch Word List
  [ ] europarl_raw........ Sample European Parliament Proceedings Parallel
  [ ] floresta............ Portuguese Treebank
  [ ] framenet_v15........ FrameNet 1.5
  [ ] framenet_v17........ FrameNet 1.7
  [ ] gazetteers.......... Gazeteer Lists
  [ ] genesis............. Genesis Corpus
  [ ] gutenberg........... Project Gutenberg Selections
  [ ] ieer................ NIST IE-ER DATA SAMPLE
  [ ] inaugural........... C-Span Inaugural Address Corpus
  [ ] indian.............. Indian Language POS-Tagged Corpus
  [ ] jeita............... JEITA Public Morphologically Tagged Corpus (in
                           ChaSen format)
  [ ] kimmo............... PC-KIMMO Data Files
  [ ] knbc................ KNB Corpus (Annotated blog corpus)
  [ ] large_grammars...... Large context-free and feature-based grammars
                           for parser comparison
  [ ] lin_thesaurus....... Lin's Dependency Thesaurus
  [ ] mac_morpho.......... MAC-MORPHO: Brazilian Portuguese news text with
                           part-of-speech tags
  [ ] machado............. Machado de Assis -- Obra Completa
  [ ] masc_tagged......... MASC Tagged Corpus
  [ ] maxent_ne_chunker... ACE Named Entity Chunker (Maximum entropy)
  [ ] maxent_treebank_pos_tagger Treebank Part of Speech Tagger (Maximum entropy)
  [ ] moses_sample........ Moses Sample Models
  [ ] movie_reviews....... Sentiment Polarity Dataset Version 2.0
  [ ] mte_teip5........... MULTEXT-East 1984 annotated corpus 4.0
  [ ] mwa_ppdb............ The monolingual word aligner (Sultan et al.
                           2015) subset of the Paraphrase Database.
  [ ] names............... Names Corpus, Version 1.3 (1994-03-29)
  [ ] nombank.1.0......... NomBank Corpus 1.0
  [ ] nonbreaking_prefixes Non-Breaking Prefixes (Moses Decoder)
  [ ] nps_chat............ NPS Chat
  [ ] omw................. Open Multilingual Wordnet
  [ ] opinion_lexicon..... Opinion Lexicon
  [ ] panlex_swadesh...... PanLex Swadesh Corpora
  [ ] paradigms........... Paradigm Corpus
  [ ] pe08................ Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser
                           Evaluation Shared Task
  [ ] perluniprops........ perluniprops: Index of Unicode Version 7.0.0
                           character properties in Perl
  [ ] pil................. The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) Corpus
  [ ] pl196x.............. Polish language of the XX century sixties
  [ ] porter_test......... Porter Stemmer Test Files
  [ ] ppattach............ Prepositional Phrase Attachment Corpus
  [ ] problem_reports..... Problem Report Corpus
  [ ] product_reviews_1... Product Reviews (5 Products)
  [ ] product_reviews_2... Product Reviews (9 Products)
  [ ] propbank............ Proposition Bank Corpus 1.0
  [ ] pros_cons........... Pros and Cons
  [ ] ptb................. Penn Treebank
  [ ] punkt............... Punkt Tokenizer Models
  [ ] qc.................. Experimental Data for Question Classification
  [ ] reuters............. The Reuters-21578 benchmark corpus, ApteMod
  [ ] rslp................ RSLP Stemmer (Removedor de Sufixos da Lingua
  [ ] rte................. PASCAL RTE Challenges 1, 2, and 3
  [ ] sample_grammars..... Sample Grammars
  [ ] semcor.............. SemCor 3.0
  [ ] senseval............ SENSEVAL 2 Corpus: Sense Tagged Text
  [ ] sentence_polarity... Sentence Polarity Dataset v1.0
  [ ] sentiwordnet........ SentiWordNet
  [ ] shakespeare......... Shakespeare XML Corpus Sample
  [ ] sinica_treebank..... Sinica Treebank Corpus Sample
  [ ] smultron............ SMULTRON Corpus Sample
  [ ] snowball_data....... Snowball Data
  [ ] spanish_grammars.... Grammars for Spanish
  [ ] state_union......... C-Span State of the Union Address Corpus
  [*] stopwords........... Stopwords Corpus
  [ ] subjectivity........ Subjectivity Dataset v1.0
  [ ] swadesh............. Swadesh Wordlists
  [ ] switchboard......... Switchboard Corpus Sample
  [ ] tagsets............. Help on Tagsets
  [ ] timit............... TIMIT Corpus Sample
  [ ] toolbox............. Toolbox Sample Files
  [ ] treebank............ Penn Treebank Sample
  [ ] twitter_samples..... Twitter Samples
  [ ] udhr2............... Universal Declaration of Human Rights Corpus
                           (Unicode Version)
  [ ] udhr................ Universal Declaration of Human Rights Corpus
  [ ] unicode_samples..... Unicode Samples
  [ ] universal_tagset.... Mappings to the Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset
  [ ] universal_treebanks_v20 Universal Treebanks Version 2.0
  [ ] vader_lexicon....... VADER Sentiment Lexicon
  [ ] verbnet3............ VerbNet Lexicon, Version 3.3
  [ ] verbnet............. VerbNet Lexicon, Version 2.1
  [ ] webtext............. Web Text Corpus
  [ ] wmt15_eval.......... Evaluation data from WMT15
  [ ] word2vec_sample..... Word2Vec Sample
  [ ] wordnet............. WordNet
  [ ] wordnet_ic.......... WordNet-InfoContent
  [ ] words............... Word Lists
  [ ] ycoe................ York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old
                           English Prose

  [P] all-corpora......... All the corpora
  [P] all-nltk............ All packages available on nltk_data gh-pages
  [P] all................. All packages
  [P] book................ Everything used in the NLTK Book
  [P] popular............. Popular packages
  [ ] tests............... Packages for running tests
  [ ] third-party......... Third-party data packages

([*] marks installed packages; [P] marks partially installed collections)

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