Attribute | Type | @ | $ | Description | Category |
Position | Vector | @P | Position of element. | Geometry | |
Normal | Vector | @N | Normal vector of the element. | Geometry | |
Color Diffuse | Vector | @Cd | Color diffuse using RGB values for the vector. | Geometry | |
Scale (Uniform) | Float | @pscale | Uniform scale of element. | Points | |
Scale (Non-uniform) | Vector | @scale | Non-uniform scale with each float representing each axis: x, y, z. | Points | |
Orient | Quaternion | @orient | Orientation of the element. This takes precedence over @N if both @N and @orient exist in element. But if @orient does not exist in element, then @N defines its orientation along Z-axis. Since @N is simply a vector and @orient is a quaternion, then @orient has greater precision, and therefore precedence. | Points | |
Id | Integer | @id | Unique value identifying an element, such as a particle. Even after it dies, another element or particle will not acquire that id value. | Particles | |
Age | Float | @age | Denotes the time that the particle has been in existence since spawning, or being born, from its origin. Value is in seconds and typ. noted as fractions per the frame rate. | Particles | |
Life | Float | @life | Number of seconds that the particles are expected to live. Defined in the POP Source. | Particles | |
Age / Life | Float | @nage | Unlike @age, which is just a recording of time that the particle has been alive, @nage is a percentage of how long it has been alive relative to its @life. It is an implicit value denoting @age / @life. | Particles | |
Dead | Integer | @dead | An attribute to mark particles that have @age > @life. | Particles | |
Acceleration | Vector | @accel | Can be calculated via | Particles |