Custom Tab
Viewport Comments
Document key viewport information using a Viewport Comment
attached to a camera and visible when viewed in the Viewport. Note relevant information specific to shot:
- Camera
- Resolution
- Shot
- Take
- Frame
Viewport Comment
available under Render Properties
in the Edit Parameter Interface
The configuration can be integrated within the default camera node by accessing its startup script and adding the relevant code to add the Viewport Comment annotation.
Startup Script Name: object_cam
import toolutils
pane = toolutils.activePane(kwargs)
clicktoplace = (not kwargs['ctrlclick'] and not kwargs['cmdclick'])
if (pane.pwd().childTypeCategory() == hou.lopNodeTypeCategory()):
import loptoolutils
newnode = loptoolutils.genericCameraLightTool(kwargs, 'camera',
'camera1', clicktoplace)
import objecttoolutils
kwargs['bbox_min'] = hou.Vector3(-0.1, -0.1, 0.0001)
kwargs['bbox_max'] = hou.Vector3(0.1, 0.236, 0.431)
newnode = objecttoolutils.genericCameraLightTool(kwargs, 'cam', 'cam1', clicktoplace)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# CUSTOMIZATION ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) START
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Add comments for Viewer when camera selected
from common_py_lib import utils
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# CUSTOMIZATION ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) END
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