Abbreviation | Definition | Notes | Topic |
DMP | Digital Matte Painting | Compositing | |
AOV | Arbitrary Output Variable | Synonymous with 'Render Passes' | CompositingHoudini |
SOP | Surface Operator | Houdini | |
SHOP | Shader Operator | Houdini | |
CHOP | Channel Operator | Houdini | |
COP | Compositing Operator | Houdini | |
DOP | Dynamics Operator | Houdini | |
POP | Particles Operator | Houdini | |
ROP | Rendering Operator | Houdini | |
VOP | VEX Operator | Houdini | |
EDA | Exploratory Data Analysis | ML | |
NLP | Natural Language Processing | ML | |
TF | Term Frequency | ML | |
IDF | Inverse Document Frequency | ML | |
NN | Neural Network | ML | |
RELU | Rectified Linear Unit | Activation function | ML |
MSE | Mean Squared Error | Loss function metric | ML |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error | Loss function metric | ML |
RMSE | Root Mean Squared Error | Loss function metric | ML |
kwargs | Key Word Argument | Used in Python operations | Python |
NOP | No Operation | Used in Python by way of | Python |
RDD | Resilient Distributed Dataset | Spark data structure | ML |
HDFS | Hadoop Distributed File System | ML | |
DAG | Directed Acyclic Graph | Task manager for use with RDDs | ML |
EC2 | Elastic Compute Cloud | Resizable compute capacity in AWS | ML |
AMI | Amazon Machine Image | Used by Amazon Web Services, such as EC2 | ML |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent | Optimization strategy used in defining batch sizes for machine learing. | ML |
IID | Independent & Identically Distributed | Statistics term | ML |
Visual Question Answering | Semantic task to answer NL questions based on an image. | ML | |
LSTM | Long Short Term Memory | RNN cell architecture for memory management | ML |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network | ML | |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network | ML | |
ELU | Exponential Linear Unit | Activation function | ML |
CBOW | Continuous Bag of Words | Method in NLP for learning representations of words. | ML |
HOM | Houdini Object Model | Houdini's API for querying information and controlling Houdini operations with Python | Houdini |
NCE | Noise Contrastive Estimation | Nonlinear logistic regression to discriminate between observed data and artificially generated noise. | ML |
WSGI | Web Server Gateway Interface | The Python Flask framework is an example of this. | Python |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | ML | |
LIVRPS | Local, Inherits, Variant Sets, References, Payload, Specializes | Strength ordering for opinions and namespace composition in USD | USDHoudini |
USD | Universal Scene Description | USDHoudini | |
Open Color IO | Color management solution | Compositing | |
CLI | Command Line Interface | Python | |
CRD | Custom Resource Definition | Namespaced object utilized in Kubernetes. | ML |
BYOD | Bring Your Own Device | Used with regards to AR/VR/MR devices and environment deployments. | MR |
MIL | Multiple Instance Learning | Tracking API for use with OpenCV. | ML |
ROI | Region of Interest | Used to focus attention on a specific area of an image in computer vision. | ML |
MDM | Mobile Device Management | MR | |
EMM | Enterprise Mobility Management | MR | |
DP | Director of Photography | Film | |
DOP | Disconnected On Purpose | Commenting clarification in visual scripting to log disconnected streams. | UE |
UMG | Unreal Motion Graphics | UMG UI Designer is a visual UI authoring tool. | UE |
DDC | Derived Data Cache | Asset storage protocol for UE and target platforms. | UE |